Welcome to the July newsletter News NewMusicSA composition festival (6-8 December 2019) Methods, making, and materials NewMusicSA is pleased to announce the Indaba/Unyazi composition festival to be held at the University of South Africa over the weekend of 6-8 December. This year’s theme (curated by Marc Duby) is concerned with exploring how composers deploy specific methods and resources (materials) in making music, whether these compositions be in the form of scores or drawing from real-time improvised approaches. We envisage hosting a number of workshops, performances, academic papers, and special guests (TBA) related to the conference theme which is understood as open-ended to cater for a wide range of compositional approaches. Please note these important calls for members: 1. 2019 Bulletin, Issue 18: New Works (2014 to 2018) by Members of NewMusicSA New works written by members of NewMusicSA in the past few years will be listed in the 2019 Bulletin. Indeed, as this listing has not recently been included, we will include new pieces from 2014 to 2018. Please submit the titles, instrumentation, and approximate length (minutes and seconds). Do not forget your own name! Please note whether the work is completed (only), or was submitted, e.g. for a competition, and whether successful. We will also list works previously written but newly published (by whom?), or premièred (when and by whom?). 2. 2019 Bulletin, Issue 18: Call for Scores We would like to celebrate Resilience in our 2019 Bulletin, issue 18. This is a call for scores. The printed scores (in pdf) should not exceed 8pp (10 at a stretch) in A4 format, either portrait or landscape. Scores need not be in standard notation; in that case, they should still be clear and legible. Incidentally, the word Resilience need not feature in the title or the score, or even the programme notes (which we will call for later, for the selected scores) as we would like you to interpret the word as widely as possible. Please send your submissions as soon as possible, to François de Villiers by e-mail: [email protected]. If you wish to discuss anything with François, you are welcome to phone him on 082 700 4399. If you have a suitable score that will take a little longer than ASAP, please contact me NOW and discuss rather than leaving it 3. Announcement: Important: Scores for consideration for the NewMusicSA section submission should be sent to [email protected] and reach us no later than 20 July 2019. The ISCM World New Music Days 2020 iscm2020.nz Auckland and Christchurch, New Zealand April 21 – 30, 2020 CALL FOR WORKS We are pleased to announce the official Call for Works for the International Society for Contemporary Music (ISCM) World New Music Days 2020. Members are invited to submit scores/projects for the International Society for Contemporary Music (ISCM) World New Music Days 2020, taking place in Auckland and Christchurch from April 21 – 30, 2020. For detailed information about the Call for Works, see iscm2020.nz Other news, opportunities and recent performances: ![]() São Paulo Contemporary Composers Festival My name is Brianna Ricci and I am the Director of Communications for the São Paulo Contemporary Composers Festival. We are excited to invite composers to apply for the 2nd year's festival, which will happen from October 4th-13th. Opportunities include professional ensembles to compose for, professional studio recordings, live broadcast of the concerts, lectures/masterclasses with our visiting guests, and exclusive tours of the city. Participants can apply to have a work premiered with orchestra or chamber music. Furthermore, we are proud to invite back Christian Schulz, Director of the Vienna Symphoniker who will be conducting the orchestral works and will also be giving masterclasses. Orchestral works will be premiered by the Unicamp Symphony Orchestra and chamber music compositions will be performed by Quartetto Larianna and special guests Luis Afonso Montanha, Daniel Murray, Pedro Gadelha, Raïff Dantas Barreto, Marcos Aragoni, Alexandre Ribeiro, and Laurent Estoppey. The SPCCF also has a commissioning project, and one of the participants will be commissioned to receive a performance during the SPCCF 2020 season. We are proud to announce that Dylan Findley, a student of UMKC, was awarded a commission project with the SPCCF and has been invited back this year. There will also be two composers in residence: Reinhard Fuchs, from Vienna, Austria and Silvio Ferraz, from São Paulo. Please share this opportunity with your students and other composers that might be interested. More information at: www.spccfestival.com Warm Regards, Brianna Ricci Director of Communications São Paulo Contemporary Composers Festival www.spccfestival.com ![]() Call for works IL SUONO DELLE LINGUE RULES AND CONDITIONS (versione in lingua italiana a seguire) Art. 1 TEM - Taukay Edizioni Musicali and Delta Produzioni Associazione Culturale hereby open a call for works for acousmatic music composers dedicated to the sounds of languages and dialects. The purpose of this call for works is to identify acoustic material related to the sound of words. We are looking for works that contain the specific phonemes of the language spoken by the composers, not necessarily set to music or harmonized, in order to create a tapestry of sound based on the use of words and their elaboration. A selection of the best material received will be published. We also intend to organise a concert where a selection of the best compositions will be performed. Art. 2 No participation fee is required. Art. 3 The call for works will accept compositions by musicians of any nationality and of any age. Compositions must be sent as explained below. Art. 4 Pieces should not exceed TEN (10) minutes in length, however consideration will be given to compositions which exceed this length if, in the opinion of the focus group, they are of particular artistic merit. The focus group’s decision on this matter is final. Art. 5 The compositions must be presented in stereo or multi-channel versions (CD Quality or better). Any multi-channel versions of the composition should be sent along with the stereo version (wav or aif 48kHz 24 bit). Recording formats: Stereo format Quadraphonic format 5+1 format Esaphonic format Octophonic format The compositions can be sent using two different methods: A) 1 copy in audio digital format to be sent by internet using a file hosting system like wetransfer or similar. The permanent link from which it is possible download the materials must be sent by email to the email address: [email protected] It should be specified in the subject / body of the message the call for works to which you wish to apply (Il Suono delle Lingue), your last name and the song title. The compressed file in .ZIP format, including all materials must indicate your last name and the title of the composition. or B) 1 copy on CD or DVD to be sent by regular mail to the address listed below. CDs/DVDs will not be returned and will be stored as documentation in TEM – Taukay Edizioni Musicali archive TEM – Taukay Edizioni Musicali Via del Torre 57/5 33047 Remanzacco – Udine ITALIA The call for works administration prefer audio file delivery in digital format by internet. The audio work sent on CD/DVD format or the corresponding audio file sent by internet must contain the last name of the composer and the title of the composition. Art. 6 In addition to the participant work (and regardless of the delivery methods) the composer should enclose the signed entry form and other info about the composer listed below: - name, surname, date and place of birth, sex, nationality, address, e-mail address, telephone number, title, length of composition, year of composition - a statement agreeing to the rules and conditions of the call for works “Il Suono delle Lingue” - a statement agreeing to permit the performance of the composition to be recorded, broadcast or telecast, archived and used for CD production without compensation. (Remuneration relative to copyright for mechanical reproduction and any public performance will be safeguarded and distributed by SIAE). - a statement agreeing to the treatment of personal information in accordance with Italian privacy laws. (D. Lgs. 196/03 - Codice in materia di Privacy e successive). (For all the statements and info it is possible to fill the entry form with all the requested data. To download the entry form use the following link: http://www.taukay.it/pdf/2019_call_form.pdf) The following material must also be included: - composer biography - recent photograph of the composer - photocopy of identification document of the composer All the info can be sent in digital format by internet to the email address [email protected] Alternatively it is possible to send the documents listed above also on paper by regular mail to the address listed below: TEM – Taukay Edizioni Musicali Via del Torre 57/5 33047 Remanzacco – Udine ITALY Art. 7 More than one composition may be submitted. Art. 8 The closing date is 31st August 2019. The postmark will be deemed to be the date of submission for the works sent by regular mail. In case of delivery by internet, the shipping e-mail will be deemed to be the date of submission. Please ensure all material is sent in good time to avoid any problems trying to send files in the final days before the deadline. In case of delivery using ordinary mail from abroad, please specify that the package contents has no commercial value to avoid added custom charges. (Example to write on the envelope: “Descrizione del contenuto: documenti e CD per audizione privi di valore commerciale/documents and non-commercial audition-CD”). Art. 9 The selection committee will choose the compositions before the end of the year. The results of the selection will be published on the website www.taukay.it and personally communicated to the participant by e-mail. Art. 10 The focus group reserves the right to refuse any entry which does not fulfil the indicated requirements. Art. 11 The focus group’s decision is final. Art. 12 By entering the competition and submitting the composition, the composer accepts all the above terms and conditions. Failing to follow the above terms and conditions will result in the forfeiting of any rights deriving from participation in the call for works. Art. 13 The competent court for any dispute is the Court of Udine. For further information, please visit the TEM - Taukay Edizioni Musicali website at: www.taukay.it Or email us at: [email protected] Not strictly new music, but from of our community Dear nice people! I'm writing to let you know of a house concert that I will be doing with the tenor Sandile Mabaso on Sunday 7th July at 15.30. I know most of you are used to coming to my house and hearing music that is either brand new or at least written in this century. But I also have a fondness of the rest of the repertoire (I'm currently working on Beethoven and Chopin as well), and I have a great fondness for working with singers! So... Sandile and I will be doing a lovely programme of Italian songs and arias, which date mostly from the 18th century. Composers include Scarlatti, Monteverdi, Pergolesi, Gluck and more. I'm so happy to be doing this programme as these are well known and well loved songs! Do let me know if you'd like more details on the programme. For those of you who haven't heard Sandile, he has done some wonderful things, and some of you may have been lucky enough to have heard him in Johannesburg in 2012 as Puck in the Purcell opera The Fairy Queen. He has also sung in the opera Princess Magogo, and was a member of the Cape Town Opera Vocal ensemble. He has presented a variety of lieder recitals at various venues and festivals across South Africa. He is currently teaching, performing and writing in KwaZulu Natal. If you would like to stay after the concert, and socialise and enjoy the sunshine on my stoep, do bring whatever you'd like to drink! (We will have some wine available but sadly can't cater for everyone!) Here are the details: Date: Sunday, 7 July at 15.30 Place: 84 7th Avenue, Melville Parking: On the street, but there is a guard in the road Price: R120 Booking: essential, as space is limited and Sandile has a big fan club. You can contact me directly and I will send you banking details for an EFT. Otherwise you can use this link: https://www.quicket.co.za/events/77131-19-italian-songs-and-arias-of-the-seventeeth-and-eighteenth-century/#/ Looking forward to seeing you soon and all best wishes, Jill
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