To all our subscribers Welcome to our May Newsletter. In this issue, we have a reminder about our Annual Bulletin; opportunities for composers; news of a CD release as well as the usual reminder of opportunities. As always, do let me know of any newsworthy items, for the next issue, that would help you to publicise your events in or after July 2018. Likewise, if you hear of any composers’ or performers’ opportunities, just send an email to me at [email protected]. Reminder, Submissions for Bulletin 2018, issue 17 We are still looking for material for this year’s bulletin, which will be lodged in some of our university libraries. Short scores, articles, news of composers including first performances since the start of 2017 are all welcome. You can download the call here but please note that we have extended the deadline to 1 July 2018. SAMRO Overseas Music Competition The SAMRO Overseas Music Competition continues to offer amazing opportunities to South African musicians. The competition follows a four year cycle moving between composers, instrumentalists, keyboard-players and singers. The Scholarships competition will have one adjudication round and the entries will be assessed by a professional panel of adjudicators specialised in the categories of Jazz or Western Art Music. The winners of the competition receive the highly sought after scholarships for further study or master classes overseas. The scholarships are offered to Jazz and Western Art (Classical) Music applicants. Previous winners and finalists of the competition have become acclaimed composers, musicians and singers, many of whom have become internationally acclaimed artists. The 2018 competition will take place in the week 13 – 18 August 2018 at the Linder Auditorium, Johannesburg. Music students and young professionals aged 32 and younger are eligible to apply. Download 2018 Regulations. Click for Application Form. Note: Closing date: Thursday 31 May 2018. Call for Applications: Human Rights Composition Fondazione Adkins Chiti: Donne In Musica (FACDIM) is calling on female composers around the world to compose a vocal, choral or instrumental work inspired by the struggle for human rights. FACDIM will select 10 musical works that will be performed at the 70th anniversary of the adoption of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights at the Largo di Torre Argentina square in Rome, Italy, on 5 November. Applicants need to be 8 years or older and scores should be sent to [email protected] with the subject line 'GWIM4HumanRights'. Note: the deadline for applications is 30 June. Please visit website for full details. CD Release Benjamin Fourie has recently released a CD of his recital at last year’s Indaba. He played Olivier Messiaen’s ‘Eight Préludes’, Étienne van Rensburg’s ‘Sonata W36/94’ and Malcolm Dedman’s ‘Four Kinds of Love’. Tracks from the CD can be viewed and optionally purchased at cdbaby, or you may request a hard copy from me by sending me an email ([email protected]). The cost, including postage and packaging, is R130. Sadly, Benjamin passed away on 30 April, losing his fight with cancer. He will be sadly missed as South Africa has now lost a well respected international pianist. For a complete obituary, please see the home page of this website, or download here. Reminder of Opportunities
Deadline: 15 August 2018. The prize money totals 10,000 Euros. For further details, please download information sheet and visit their website. 2. Valentino Bucchi Foundation Composition Competition The Valentino Bucchi Foundation in collaboration with the Roman Philhamonic Academy announce the 39th edition of the International Composition Competition Contest, ‘Valentino Bucchi Prize’. Please download for full details. Note, deadline for submission is 30 June 2018. 3. Music Law, Business & Contracts Basadi Hatella Pele is hosting a forum titled Music Law, Business & Contracts with specific focus on the music industry. This workshop aims to look into the industry and see what can be done to educate our artists on business law and the industry. This high profile forum will take place at Southern Sun Table Bay Cape Town on the 5 & 6 July 2018. Please see brochure for more information and registration. 4. São Paulo Contemporary Composers Festival The São Paulo Contemporary Composers Festival, located in São Paulo, Brazil, will take place from September 21 - 30th, 2018. Opportunities include chamber music performances and two participants will be selected to have an orchestra piece premiered with the Brazilian National Theatre Claudio Santoro Symphony Orchestra in the capital of Brazil, Brasília. Please visit festival webpage for further information and application form. Note, deadline for submission is 1 August.
September 2022